Sylvia, a suburban mother of two adolescent teens escapes from her failing marriage and finds herself left with no alternative but to run a brothel. Ludo, a police officer with an urge to prove himself reopens an old murder case he failed to solve twenty years ago. The two cross paths at the infamous Highway of Love, where a group of hookers, pimps and other extravagant characters spend their days trying to either fix their lives or screw them up. 

The entire series is available on Telenet Play and Play More.

 For sales inquiries, please contact Jan Theys at De Mensen.


Channel: Telenet, VIER
Genre: Drama
Broadcasting Period: van 2016 tot 2017


C21 International Drama Awards

2016, Best non-English Drama Series (Nominated)

Cutting Edge Awards

2017, Best TV Show Fiction (nomination)
